Who Am I?
Who Am I? Identity. The characteristics that determine who or what a person or thing is. If someone were to ask “Who are you?” how would you respond? Which words, or characteristics, would you choose to describe yourself? The world around us loves to tell us who we are, who we should be and what we should be doing with our lives. It can be really tough to be ourselves when we have impossible expectations all around us. The pressures and standards to look a certain way, live a certain way, and love a certain way. It can leave us feeling confused, often conforming to other people’s labels, expectations, and pressures. Then one day we wake up and we don’t even recognize ourselves. “Who am I?” we wonder and ask ourselves.“Stay true to who you are.” These were the last words my dad spoke to me before leaving for the Bachelor, and I had no idea how crucial these words would be. In moments when I could see others changing themselves to be accepted and wanted and loved, it would have been easy to join in, yet I kept hearing my dad’s words over and over. In moments when the pressures and temptations around me seemed almost too heavy to bear, it would have been easy to just be led by my feelings or to just cave under pressure- but the words kept coming back to me, “stay true to who you are, Madi.” Those words kept me grounded and reminded me that no matter the circumstances or decisions or pressures, to stay true to me. Yet, I look back now and realize that the only way I was able to stay true to who I was, was because I knew who I was. Are you following me? Because I knew who I was, I was able to stand firm in that. But I didn’t just wake up and get there. So, how did I get to a place where I knew who I was, I was confident in who God made me to be and I knew my identity and value? It is so important for us to know our identity and for it to be rooted in the right thing, because how we view ourselves and what we believe about ourselves determines the decisions we make, the relationships we make, and the life we choose to live.Let’s look at Matthew 16: 13-19, “When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, “Who do people say the Son of Man is?” They replied, “Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” “But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?” Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven. And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”After reading this passage in the Bible we learn two things: who Jesus is and who Peter is. This is important because this applies to you and I today. When Peter declared the true identity of Jesus, that’s when he found his. When we know WHOSE we are, we will know WHO we are. When we know who we belong to, we will know who we are called to be. Peter said, “You are the Messiah.” After Peter had that revelation and made that statement, Jesus replied to him, “You are Peter and on this rock I will build my church.” The only way Peter discovered his true identity and purpose was by first discovering Jesus’. The first step to knowing who we are is discovering whose we are.It is far too easy for us to look at someone else and think “Man, I wish that was my life. I wish that was my identity.” Or to look at ourselves and think “Why did God make me this way? I’m so different from everyone else.” Girl, I have been there! Maybe you look at yourself and think that your life isn’t fancy enough, exciting enough or easy enough. Maybe you think you are too bold, too strong-willed or too outspoken. Growing up, I was definitely the second one. I was always the loud, competitive kid that my parents had to give more attention and discipline to. I was (and still am) a challenger. My personality was different from a lot of the girls in my friend group and I was constantly fighting the lies that something was wrong with me. But eventually I realized that’s exactly what they were. Lies. So I started to seek and believe the truth of who I was. A daughter of the one true King and he made me exactly the I am for a reason. I started embracing my strengths and working on my weaknesses. I became someone who was proud of who I was and I was going to use my gifts to help better those around me and advance the Kingdom of heaven.We often wish we were someone else, or at least embodied the characteristics of someone else. We become jealous of those around us. Their gifts, passions, looks, friends, etc. Then, we try to “put on” their identity and ignore our own. Sure, it may be fun for a bit, but I guarantee you it will become exhausting. You will grow weary of trying to live as someone else and trying to embody characteristics that don’t come natural to you. Don’t let the strengths of the girl next to you make you think that you are not enough. She was given those strengths for a reason, just as you were. Someone once told me that when we become jealous of those around us, we are not only dragging ourselves down, but we are dragging them down, too. This is not who you were created to be! Instead of looking at others and trying to be like them, look inside yourself and really focus on being the best version of you and using the talents and skills the Lord has given to you, specifically. Remember that you were created on purpose and for a purpose! Embrace your identity and use the gifts God has given you to glorify Him!! I pray that as you read this today and take time to reflect on who God is and what he has done for you, you will no longer ask, “who am I?” but rather you will rise in confidence and declare, “this is who I am!” Challenges:
Ask yourself “Who do I want to be?” Write down your answers and why you chose those characteristics. Fight for THOSE things, not the things you feel the world is telling you to be. Take the time to really know and understand your strengths and use them to make a difference. Celebrate how God made YOU! When you can accept who He has made you to be and how to live that out, you can truly fulfill His purpose for your life.
Champion those around you. When you can encourage and love others for their strengths, it oddly enough, helps you grow in confidence in yours! We are made different and unique for a reason. We all bring something special to the table and what you bring is just as important as anyone else! Instead of comparing and competing, decide to champion!
Block out the pressures and expectations of those around you. Any time you feel yourself in a moment of pressure or all you hear are the lies of the enemy and the labels of man, pull out God’s Word and write out five different I AM statement and declare them over yourself for whatever your struggling with. My I AM statements are listed below. God has made you exactly the way He intended to and He wants you to celebrate that! Use the gifts and talents He has given you to better yourself and those around you.
I AM:-I AM strong and courageous. My strength is a gift not a problem. Yet my strength is not by me or for me. It is through Christ that I am strong and I will use my strength to help others.-I AM a child of God. I don’t need to search or seek after belonging. I already belong.-I AM enough. I am not enough on my own. I am weak and I have nothing to give, but with Christ I have all I need. I don’t need to perform more, or strive more, or change myself to fit in. I am enough because Christ is in me.-I AM unwavering in my faith and convictions. I know who I belong to. I know who I am. I know what I believe. No matter what surrounds me and no matter what comes my way, I have what it takes to stand, to keep going, or to walk away if I need to.-I AM made on purpose and for a purpose. I am unique and I have something special to give this world. I was created with intention and reason and I will choose to make every moment matter, for I know I was MADE FOR THIS MOMENT. Prayer:Lord, we praise you for a new day! We praise you that we are each made beautifully and wonderfully and for a unique purpose. I pray that each and every person reading this will embrace who you created them to be. That there will be no doubts, no jealousy, no anger in the way you made them, but grateful and ready hearts. We know that your word says we are created in your image, and God, there is nothing more beautiful than that. We praise you for that. I pray that we would continue to find our identity rooted in you and that we would be able to live out the calling you have put on our lives. You are a good and gracious God and we know that you will never leave nor forsake us. We pray these things in your Jesus’ name! Amen!