True Belief in God

Putting my faith in the Lord is the best decision I have ever made. It has changed my life and shaped me into who I am today. I grew up in a Christian home, so my whole life I have known who God is and I was taught to put my faith in him and walk according to his purpose. But what does that really mean?

As a kid, I was very passionate about my faith and telling people about Jesus! I was the crazy kid that ran up to people that I knew, and even strangers, and asked them, “Do YOU know who Jesus Christ is?!” There was a fire inside me even as a child. Then, as life went on, my faith was really tested. Life got hard and I’ve been faced with situations where I had to choose if I was going to put my faith, that I so boldly proclaimed, into action.  The older I’ve gotten, the more the Lord has continued to reveal himself to me and that makes me want to know him even deeper. You see, believing in God is more than just saying the words…it’s truly living it out. In this blog, I’m going to speak into what I believe and what scripture says about true belief in the Lord.

So, let’s dive in! What does it look like to truly know God and live according to his Word and his will? Let’s start with a biblical definition of belief. In the book “Do You Believe?” by Paul David Tripp, he writes about this topic and points us towards truth when he answers it. He takes us through Hebrews 11:6 and the way it defines true faith. It says, “And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exits and that he rewards those who seek him.” I don’t know how much clearer you can get than the first half of this verse! It’s not that it’s difficult to please God without faith, it is actually impossible. If you say you are believer of God and you want to please him, you must have faith and live it out in your everyday life. You must believe that he is who he says he is. That he is eternal, omniscient (all-knowing), omnipotent (all-powerful), holy, infinite, one God existing in three persons: the Father, the Son, AND the Holy Spirit. If you proclaim this, you are called to be set apart, looking different than the world around you. 

As believers, we are to live in the world, but not of it. As you know, this isn’t always easy. When the world is teaching one thing, we are to flee and run the other direction. The world preaches that the important things in life are success, money, fame, followers, etc. But if we are not living of the world, we really shouldn’t be chasing after those things. We should be chasing after what God calls good, not the world. Matthew 6:19-21 says, “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” To me, this is a challenge to remember what is truly important.

I view the second half of Hebrews 11:6 as a call to action for us. If we believe God is who he says he is and we want to confess that, we must seek him in all that we do. A life that follows him is more than just the words you say, but backing those words up with a willing and humble heart that leads you to live in a way that is opposite of what culture says. It’s looking to God for every decision you make and altering your life in every aspect to look more like him. Enduring Word says this about it, “We must believe that God is there, and that he will reveal himself to the seeking heart.” I want God to reveal himself to me. I need God to reveal himself to me. Therefore, I will keep my eyes on him in all that I do because that is what we are called to as believers. 

Sadly, there is a high percentage of people in this world that call themselves believers, yet live a totally different lifestyle. Listen, I’m not here to point any fingers or call people out. I, myself, am not perfect and choose things over God all the time. It’s our human, sinful nature. But when we find ourselves in those moments, are we responding without remorse and just continuing to live this life that we think is best for ourselves? Or do we turn to God, repenting and asking for forgiveness? Are we learning from our mistakes, leading us to strengthen our faith?

My hope for this blog is that it makes us all think deeply about our relationship with Jesus and that it stirs our hearts and affection for him! I pray that this leads to conversations with your friends and family to encourage one another and call each other higher. Let God be the center of your life and all that you do. He is worthy!!


  1. Pray. Spend time in prayer, reflecting on your relationship with the Lord. Ask him to show you areas where you can continue to grow. We should never stop pursing growth on this side of eternity!

  2. Talk with your community. Encourage one another in faith and hold each other accountable. Community is a good thing that was created by God…lean into it!

  3. Get involved. If you’re not already involved in your church, I highly recommend it! This is such a great way to serve your community and the church, while also getting to be poured into by pastors and elders that will teach you so much.



Lord, thank you for another day full of new mercies. We praise you that you truly are who you say you are! Because of that, we get to live in freedom and joy that can only come from you. Lord, would you lead us closer to you in all that we do. Help us to know you deeply and to make you known in the world around us. You are worthy of our praise! We love you! In Jesus’ name. Amen! 


Importance of Prayer


Suffering for God's Glory