The Call
How many times do we feel called towards something, but don’t proceed because of fear? Or because we believe we won’t be good enough? What if God is calling you to something great, but you miss out on it because you’re too afraid? I know that feeling all too well. I want to walk through the story of Moses and his calling to hopefully encourage you, and myself, to walk in obedience and confidence wherever the Lord is leading us. I hope we can grow together in boldness to say “Yes, Lord, send me.”
The book of Exodus in the Bible is all about the story of Moses and God using him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. In Exodus chapter 3 is where we see God appear to Moses in flames of fire within a bush. This is how God approaches Moses and tells him about his calling. In Exodus 3:10 God says, “So now, go. I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt.” At first, Moses responds in the way that I assume most of us would. He says, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?” (Ex. 3:11) Then he starts to list every excuse in the book as to why the Lord should not use him. What if he doesn’t know how to answer their questions? What if they don’t believe him? The Lord then shows him miracles that he can perform in front of them, but Moses still has hesitations. He responds with, “I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant. I am slow of speech and tongue.” (Ex. 4:10). But notice God’s response in verses 11-12, “Who gave human beings their mouths? Who makes them deaf or mute? Who gives them sight or makes them blind? Is it not I, the Lord? Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say.”
When I read this story, it makes me think about how often I tell God every reason in the book that I’m not qualified. “I’m too young,” “There are already enough people doing that,” “I’m not needed,” “I’m too different,” “I’m not skilled or smart enough,” “I don’t have all the experiences or connections,” etc. And I can only imagine God’s listening to me like “STOP. Let me remind you who your Father is. Let me remind you who created you and who sits on the throne. It’s not about you. It’s about me. It’s not by your strength, but mine. You can’t. I can.” And how comforting is that? We don’t have to be the best or the smartest. God can and will still choose to use us even in our brokenness. Pray this prayer with me: Lord, help me to believe even when I cannot see. Lord, help me to trust even when I’m afraid. Lord, send me.
Moses goes on to eventually, yet reluctantly, follow God and his will. However, in Exodus 4:24 we see the Lord meets Moses and was about to kill him. Then, once he finally is able to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, the Lord keeps them wandering in the wilderness for 40 years. All this to say, even after God had placed this specific calling on Moses, there still came attacks and fighting. It leads us to ask this question: was it to overpower and weaken him? Or to strengthen him to be able to overcome what he was about to face? I believe that it’s God’s preparation. To experience struggles and warfare is what brings us closer to him and pushes us to rely solely on his strength, instead of our own. So, when we are called, we know it won’t always be easy, but we also know that when it’s not, we have our Heavenly Father to lift us up when we are weak.
Time and time again, Moses tried to walk away because of fear. How often do we walk away from God’s best or God’s call because of fear? And how can we shift to a posture of trust and obedience, walking towards his call for us?
Seek the Lord in all you do. He will never lead you astray. His calling for you is greater than anything you could do on your own.
Say yes. Wherever you feel like the Lord is calling you, I challenge you to just say yes. Follow his lead and walk in obedience. If it’s from the Lord, you will be blessed. If it’s with the Lord, you will be capable.
PRAY. God delights in hearing our prayers! Whether you feel excited, scared, prepared or anxious about where he is calling you, come to him. In him you will find overwhelming peace and joy that can come only from the Lord!
Lord, thank you so much for this day. Thank you for the life that you have given us and for new mercies every single morning. Thank you for the plan you have for each of us, and that you have given us all a specific purpose in life. I pray that we would walk in obedience to where you call us! We may feel unworthy or inadequate, but we can find hope in the fact that you will never leave nor forsake us. With you, we are capable! I pray for confidence in each of us, that we would know who you created us to be and that we would be able to walk that out. Give us the boldness to go and proclaim the good news of the Gospel to all that are around us. We love you and we give our lives to you. In Jesus’ name! Amen!