Be Kind to Yourself

\Words hold a lot of power. Whether we are aware of it or not, the way we speak matters. Not only to other people, but also to ourselves. We so often tear ourselves down, not giving ourselves any credit for what we have accomplished. Have you ever heard that saying, “You are your own worst critic?” This could not be truer in my life. We are so quick to downgrade ourselves and be much crueler to ourselves than we ever would be to someone else. Yes, we can always grow and always be better, but be kind and speak gently to yourself along the way.

I want to invite you into what the Bible says about the weight of our words and how we should use them. Ephesians 4:29 says, “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.” We should desire to communicate grace to all those we speak to, including ourselves. Proverbs 16:24 says, “Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.” Encouraging and kind words bring joy and health to the whole body; physical and emotional. Proverbs 15:4, “A gentle tongue is a tree of life, but perverseness in it breaks the spirit.” Our words hold so much power in them. They have the power to do far more good, or bad, than we might think. 

When we think about the power of words, we often think about it in the context of what we say to other people. We don’t want to intentionally hurt other people’s feelings with how we speak to them. But why does this not occur to us when we are speaking to ourselves? Why are we quick to compliment other people, but not ourselves? I don’t know about you, but I find myself constantly speaking down on myself. I could have a good, productive day yet still tell myself that I could have done more, and that what I did wasn’t enough. These are a few negative comments I tell myself way too often:

  • “You’re not doing enough,”

  • “You can do better.”

  • “You’re lazy.”

  • “You overthink too much.”

  • “You’re too dramatic.”

These are things I wouldn’t dare tell someone else, so why do I think it’s okay to tell them to myself?? I’ll tell you that it’s definitely not okay!! And I can tell you this with 100% certainty: God does not think those things about you, nor does he want you to think that way about yourself. You have so much potential, and you deserve better than those harsh words! So, if you also find yourself in this position, I challenge you to speak the following over yourself:

  • “You are accomplished.”

  • “You did the best you could.”

  • “You are strong.”

  • “Your feelings are valid.”

  • “I’m proud of you.”

This is something I’m really passionate about because I know the negative effect that our words have on us. I know the lows that they can take you to and how hard it is to feel like you can keep going. But I also know the freedom and the opportunities that come with speaking positively to yourself. This is what the Lord intended for us. Our words towards others matter, but our words to ourselves matter just as much. Don’t forget that. Don’t neglect yourself and your growth. It comes through kindness and patience. Friends, I hope we can all learn to speak kindly to ourselves. We deserve it. 


  1. Accountability. Tell your closest community that you are struggling with this and have them ask questions, keep you accountable, and encourage you!

  2. Affirmations. I challenge you to write out 3 affirmations each morning. Think of 3 encouragements that will empower you to keep going and growing. I promise you these words are powerful!

  3. Affections. When you start using harsh words towards yourself, stop and be kind. Don’t just stop using cruel words; replace them with encouraging ones!


Lord, thank you for each and every person reading this. Remind them of their worth and their purpose on this earth! Thank you for creating each of us uniquely and with intention. May we walk in accordance with your Word, speaking kindly to ourselves and being patient as we learn and grow. You created us exactly the way we are, and I pray that we would continue to praise you for that! We give you all honor and glory. In Jesus’ name! Amen!


From Begging to Best


The Call