Fullness of Joy

Fullness of Joy

Finding joy in our lives is something that we all want, right? Whether it's through relationships, achievements, material things, etc. we often seek out experiences that bring us happiness. When we feel upset, people often bring us things to “cheer us up.” We’re always looking for ways to get out of the temporary sadness. However, those worldly things aren’t what’s going to ultimately bring you the joy you’re looking for. It might relieve you for a moment, but you’re always going to be looking for more. Why? Because there is a deeper and more profound source of joy that transcends temporary pleasures, and His name is Jesus. In this blog, we will dive into how finding joy from Him can and...

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Where Does Your Strength Come From?

Where Does Your Strength Come From?

In times of difficulty and challenges, we often find ourselves searching for strength and guidance. We tend to want to be in full control of our lives. But time and time again, our flesh fails us. On our own, we don’t have the wisdom and ability to carry ourselves through all that this life may bring us. But there is good news! We serve a God that can carry us through it all! As believers, we must draw our strength from the Lord and not from ourselves. Psalm 73:26 NIV says, “My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” When we turn to God to find strength, we are met with the overwhelming comfort that His presence brings. When we are faced...

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Spirit of Gratitude

Spirit of Gratitude

HAPPY THANKSGIVING! In our world today that is filled with stress, negativity, and busyness, it’s easy to lose sight of the blessings that surround us. Thanksgiving may be a day full of blessings and great family time for you; or it may be a time that brings up difficult memories and emotions. Wherever you find yourself today and whatever emotion you’re feeling, I want to point us all back to the source of where our gratitude should come from and remind us that there is always something to be grateful, no matter what you’re going through. That thing is Jesus Christ and the life that we have through him. When we practice gratitude in Christ, it has the power to transform our mindset and...

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Be Prepared

Be Prepared

As believers, it’s crucial for us to understand Scripture and apply it to our everyday lives. Recently, I’ve been spending more time memorizing different verses. The more I memorize, the more Scripture is on the forefront of my mind and I’m more equipped to live out my purpose of knowing God and making Him known. One verse I’ve been clinging to lately is 1 Peter 3:15, which says, “But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.” This verse reminds us of the responsibility we have as followers of Christ to truly understand what we believe and to...

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