How to be Ready for Your Moment
If I asked you the question: Are you ready? How would you respond? Some of us would immediately go into panic and anxious mode, wondering what we missed and how we missed it. Some of us would ignore the question, walking away un-phased thinking, “What do I have to be ready for? Life just happens. YOLO!” Some of us would respond, “Heck yes I’m ready! Bring it on!” Even if we don’t have a single idea of what it is we should be ready for.
My goal is for us all to be like the third person who responded, “Bring it on. I’m always ready!!!” How can we respond with such confidence to a question we weren’t expecting and don’t understand? The truth is often times life approaches us with moments, some big, some small, some bad, some good, some life changing, some mundane. But what I have learned is that how we respond to moments matter, but how we prepare for it matters even more. We have no chance to win our moments without proper preparation.
Our lives are full of moments. A moment can make you, or it can break you. Some moments are bigger than others, and some may seem more insignificant, but they all matter because together they create the makings of our lives. Over the past few years, I’ve learned from experience that the bigger, more pressure-filled moments become more attainable when you steward your smaller, more private moments well.
So, what does this look like? How can we be ready for whatever moment comes our way? Well, for starters, we have to value preparing before the moment ever arrives. And how do prepare well? We must invest in ourselves and our disciplines well each day. For me, this means being intentional with the 5 core components of who I am: spiritual, emotional, physical, mental, and relational. Making sure I am filled in all of those areas daily, especially the spiritual and relational, keeps me prepared and ready for whatever moments may approach. Spiritually, finding that time every single day to read scripture, pray, and really focus on where God is leading me. Relationally, surrounding myself with life-giving people that will challenge me and help me reach my God purpose. Physically, taking my supplements and vitamins and working out consistently and eating healthy. Emotionally, being encouraged by others, being honest with myself, encouraging a friend or family member, and helping someone in need. Mentally, making my bed, taking time to myself to breathe and rest, going to bed early to make sure I get enough sleep, and reading and journaling. In all of these areas being intentional and consistent is huge for me in order to be prepared for anything. Your disciplines don’t have to look just like mine but take a moment to write out where you want to be spiritually, relationally, emotionally, physically, and mentally and what it would take for you to get there. Create a list of disciplines for yourself. This will help you stay focused, mission minded, intentional, and prepared.
Second, we must understand it is our job to do the practical, but it is God’s job to do the supernatural. There is only so much we can do. We are called to be prepared, to be obedient, and then to trust God with the rest. 2 Corinthians 1:21-22 says, “Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He anointed us, set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.” Wherever you are in life right now, know that it isn’t by your own will power or strength that you will be able to overcome pressure and temptation, that you will be able to keep going after you just got the worst news of your life, or that you will be able to do what’s right even if it comes with backlash- but it is through Christ you will have that ability to stand strong in those moments!
Maybe you’re afraid for this moment. Maybe last time you put yourself out there all you experienced was failure and heartbreak. Maybe you’re dealing with insecurities as you look around and you feel like everyone else has more than while you constantly feel less than. Maybe you feel that your past disqualifies you. Maybe you have been told your whole life that you will never amount to anything. I challenge you to confront that fear. Look at that insecurity in the eyes and tell it who’s boss. Take control of that rejection and prove people wrong. Whatever you do, do not sit in it and let it fester. You are stronger than you think you are. You were MADE FOR THIS.
Whatever that “big moment” looks like in your life, a big game, graduation, starting a new job, losing a loved one, speaking on behalf of the voiceless, going through a breakup, or standing firm in your convictions even when the people around you aren’t doing so, whatever it may be, know this: it’s time to rise up and get ready to fight for your moment. You weren’t made to just float through life and take up air. You weren’t made to look like everyone else. You are set apart. You are destined for greatness. You were made on purpose and for a purpose. Whatever you feel right now, your story isn’t over- it’s just getting started. Give your whole heart to Jesus. Prepare well. Obey where He leads- whatever the cost. And trust that with that, He can do exceedingly and abundantly more than you could ever imagine (Ephesians 3:20).
I want you to know that whatever moment you are in right now is the moment you were made for.
3 Challenges for You:
In order to stand tall, your roots need to be deep. Take time to invest in yourself and let God fill you with what you need to be who He has called you to be. Spend time in God’s Word and in prayer and worship today. If you don’t know where to start in reading the Bible, I always recommend starting in the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John). And I will include a prayer below you can pray over yourself. It’s all about a relationship. You don’t need all the fancy words, He just wants you and your heart. Apart from him, we can do nothing. But with Him we can do everything.
In order to be ready for any moment, you need to know who you are. If you don’t know who you are before moments of pressure and temptation and success come, it will be easy to let those moments define you. No matter the labels you have carried around up until this point, take a second to ask God, who am I? Who do you say that I am? If you have a Bible, open it up and turn to the verses below, if you don’t have a Bible, download the Bible YouVersion app and put it on your list to go buy a Bible. For now, say out loud: Ephesians 2:10, Psalm 139:13-14, Jeremiah 1:5, and Esther 4:14. Masterpiece. Wonderfully and intentionally made. Known and deeply loved. Set apart. Destined for greatness. Made for this moment. That is who you are.
Take a moment to think about a loss or failure in your life caused by a lack of preparation. Reflect on those feelings of regret, shame, and disappointment you had and how they could have been avoided. Now, create a list of disciplines you will incorporate moving forward to prevent losses caused by lack of preparation. In order to be the moment maker God has called you to be, it is important for you to remember that every moment matters. You may feel that you are in a difficult moment or a small moment that seems or feels insignificant to you, but don’t dismiss it! These are oftentimes the most important moments. Invest in them well and use that time to grow and challenge yourself. Make it matter. I promise you, all your moments do.
I want you to know that you are not in this alone! For I have been through many low moments wondering, “God where are you?”, “will I ever be happy again?”, “do you even care Lord?” Moments that felt like hope was so far away and joy was unattainable. Yet, in each of those moments as I began to worship and I began to pray, God showed up. That doesn’t mean everything immediately got better, but my eyes would be opened to see God’s goodness, faithfulness, and nearness- no matter what I felt or faced. God’s word promises us, there may be weeping in the night, but Joy comes in the morning. In those moments, my problems and pain grew smaller and smaller and God’s goodness and promises grew larger and larger.
Prayer: Join me in prayer!
Lord, thank you for your salvation, your faithfulness, and your endless love for us. We are grateful today for your grace and the fact that our past doesn’t disqualify us and that our failing efforts don’t deny us of your love. I pray that every person reading these words would know and feel how much you love them. I pray they would know they were made on purpose and for a purpose and that every moment of their lives matter. I pray that as we walk through different moments in our lives, we will be reminded that your ways are greater and that you have created us for such a time as this. May we be obedient to your word and who you have called us to be- no matter the cost. I pray we would prepare well and invest in ourselves to be ready for whatever moment may come our way. I pray that when we end, you will begin. When we are weak, you will be strong. Fill us with your spirit today to give us all we need to be who you have called us to be. When we are exhausted and our days are difficult, I pray that we can feel your presence surround us. We know that your Word says you will never leave us or forsake us. Let us cling to that hope. I pray these things in Jesus’ name! Amen!