You Are More Than Your Anxieties
Do you battle with anxiety? If I’m being completely open and transparent with you, it’s something that has often been a real issue for me. Anxiety is a battle we all fight. But what I want you to know, my friend, is that you are not alone.
I’m not sure what anxiety looks like for you. For me personally, I have felt as if there were a ton of bricks piling up and just sitting on my chest. I’ve experienced shortness of breath, breakouts on my face, weight loss, inability to sleep and so much more. It sometimes happens over time and other times it hits me in an instant. But everytime it hits, it can leave me feeling lonely, uncertain, out of control, or hopeless.
With all that is going on in our world today, it’s no wonder that we are experiencing so much anxiety. We are constantly being fed negative stories by the news, we compare ourselves to the girls we follow on Instagram, our culture has unrealistic expectations for us to meet, etc. The truth is, anxiety can be life altering if it is not correctly dealt with. It can cause you to isolate yourself, or even worse, hurt yourself. Anxiety is real. But there are ways to gain back control and not let your anxieties define you.
So, what can you do when anxiety attacks?
First, pray. If it’s big enough to worry about, it’s big enough to pray about. There is nothing in this world that is too big or too difficult for God to handle! In fact, he WANTS you to come to him at all times, especially when you feel weak. Matthew 11:28 says, “Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” When we feel weak, God is strong for us. When we can’t stand, he meets us where we are at and carries us the rest of the way. If there is something causing you to be stressed, then run to your Heavenly Father! God loves you and he understands your pain. When anxiety hits, take it to God. He is the ultimate peacemaker and comforter.
Second, you should find someone to talk to. It is imperative that you have someone in your life that you can open up to when you feel overwhelmed or troubled. Being able to talk to someone you trust can give you comfort and strength to get through it. Proverbs 27:17 says this, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” Community was created by the Lord for us to lift one another up and encourage each other. We were not made to do this life alone. Good, solid friendships are so important. Pray for them and seek them.
I remember a time when I was in my darkest, loneliest season. I wasn’t sure I had the strength to make it through it. I remember thinking I was alone, and nobody cared. I let these thoughts control my mind for so long that I even questioned if God saw me or loved me. Then one day, at my lowest point, I cried out to God for help. Then I reached out to a friend that I trusted and shared everything. Her encouraging words were exactly what I needed to make it through that dark season. After that, God began to open doors that I could have never imagined. Sometimes just hearing another person speak truth to you is all you need. Even Jesus, in his darkest moment, cried out to God the Father and then turned to his closest friends and told them that he was overwhelmed to the point of death and asked them to pray. If that is how Jesus handled anxiety, then we should follow his example.
Finally, speak to your anxiety. Quote scripture that combats your anxious thoughts. Memorize them and speak them out. I often find myself letting the fear of the “what-ifs” consume my mind. What if I get sick? What if I get rejected? What if I don’t get the job? What if people make fun of me? In moments like these, I tell myself, “I will not get sick. I am healthy.” “I will not get rejected. I am loved.” “If this job is for me, it will be mine.” “I am not what people say about me. I am who God says I am.” Speaking to your anxiety and quoting scriptures that speak against it are both powerful ways to fight back when anxiety attacks. 1 Peter 5:7 says, “Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.”
1. Memorize scripture!! I truly cannot say this enough. The bible, every word inside of it, is God-breathed and is full of truth. Clinging to what the Lord says about you will help you find freedom, comfort and peace in the times when you feel bound by your anxieties.
2. Talk to someone. Whether it’s a family member, friend, mentor, etc. it’s really important not to hold these feelings in! Like I mentioned earlier, good community is crucial! And when you have a solid, encouraging community, they WANT to help you and to love you well. Open up and seek wisdom from your loved ones!
3. Worship. Something that never fails to help me when I’m feeling anxious is to worship! I put on my favorite Christian playlist, tune the world out and completely give it all to Jesus! Those moments are so precious and intimate with the Lord and I challenge you to spend time worshiping Him and thanking Him for the things He has blessed you with!
Lord, we come to you today seeking your peace and comfort! I pray for each and every person that is dealing with anxiety and I pray that you would cast that out in Jesus’ name! You are a God of peace, freedom, joy and love and may those be the characteristics we take on each day! I thank you that you are bigger than our worries, doubts and fears. That you can conquer ALL. We believe that you have the power to move mountains and so I pray that you would move the mountain of anxiety in our lives. That we would learn to lay it down at your feet and you would cover us with your love. Please be with us in every moment of every day and help us to keep our eyes focused on you and you alone. We love you and it’s in Jesus’ name! Amen!