Unwavering Faith
I’ve recently been reading the book of Daniel in the Bible and you guys…chapter 6 is blowing me away, as usual. This story is such a testament to unwavering faith, divine protection, and the power of prayer. It’s one of those stories that I probably heard a million times in Sunday School, but even as I read it for the million and first time, I am still in awe of Daniel’s trust and God’s sovereignty. It is a profound example of courage and trust in the face of adversity.
If you’re not familiar with this story, let’s go through it together. During the time of Daniel, the Jewish people had been taken into captivity by the Babylonians. Despite his exile, Daniel, full of wisdom and integrity, had earned favor within the Babylonian kingdom. Because of his wisdom, King Darius appointed him as one of three administrators, which made the other officials a little jealous. So, the administrators and satraps (a fancy word for governors back in the ancient Persian empire) tried to manipulate King Darius into issuing a decree that would forbid people to pray to anyone other than the king for a month. Knowing Daniel's devotion to God, they purposefully were trying to get him in trouble. Oh, I should probably also mention that the consequence for breaking this law was to be thrown into a den of lions. Crazy, right?
Daniel, knowing of the newly instated law, refused to abandon his daily prayers to God. He openly continued to seek the Lord's guidance, just as he had done throughout his life. His unwavering commitment to his faith serves as a powerful reminder to us as believers today. It reveals the importance of remaining steadfast in our convictions, regardless of the surrounding circumstances.
As you could probably guess, the other officials eventually caught Daniel praying to God. They eagerly reported this to King Darius, who then realized that he had been manipulated. The king was troubled by this because he recognized Daniel's righteousness but was unable to take back the decree or save him from the consequence. With a heavy heart, King Darius ordered Daniel to be thrown into the lion's den, sealed with a stone, making any rescue pretty much impossible. However, Darius, who admired Daniel greatly, uttered these words of hope and faith: "May your God, whom you serve continually, rescue you." (Daniel 6:16)
God, as he always does, demonstrated His power and faithfulness. Daniel survived the entire night in that den, completely unharmed by the lions. God had saved Daniel from that situation and proved to exactly who He says He is! That next morning, King Darius rushed to the den and was relieved to find Daniel alive and well. Overwhelmed by God's divine intervention, the king issued a decree affirming the greatness of Daniel's God!! He had seen with his own two eyes the work of the Lord and couldn’t deny Him!
This story truly offers us so many valuable lessons. First and foremost, it highlights the importance of unwavering faith and commitment to God, even in the face of opposition. Daniel's steadfastness serves as an inspiration to persevere through trials and tribulations, trusting that God is with us in every situation...even the ones that seem impossible to survive.
Secondly, Daniel's story reminds us of the power of prayer. Despite the silly law put in place, he did not waver in his devotion to seeking God's guidance. His consistent communion with God resulted in divine intervention and a miracle of deliverance. It encourages me, and I hope you too, to maintain a vibrant prayer life, knowing that God hears and answers our heartfelt prayers. Lastly, Daniel's unwavering faith influenced King Darius and caused him to recognize God’s greatness! In our own lives, our faithfulness to God can have a profound impact on those around us. When we stay true to our convictions and display unwavering faith, we have the potential to influence others and point them toward the One True King!
Intentional, daily prayer. I want to challenge each of us to spend at least 20 minutes a day in intentional prayer. Whether it’s during your quiet time, driving in the car, on a walk, etc…take time to bring the Lord into your day and draw near to him. Matthew 7:7 tells us to ask, seek, and knock. God wants to hear from you! Commune with him!
Be a witness. Share the good news of Jesus with others and share how He has moved in your life! Don’t keep the miracles and answered prayers to yourself. They can encourage so many people around you!
Simply trust. This seems a lot easier said than done, but just as Daniel stepped into that lion’s den with complete faith and trust in God, we also should walk into each day with that same posture! He has never failed us, and he won’t start now.
Lord, thank you that because of the work of Jesus Christ, we can have a personal relationship with you! May that be something we never take for granted. Thank you for your Word and for books like Daniel that provide us with such truth and great examples of how we are to live. You are sovereign and powerful, and may we live our lives to bring you glory in all we do. I pray that each of us reading this would continue to grow in our faith, our prayer lives, and our obedience to you. You have proven again and again that you are with us in the valleys and on the mountains, so I pray that we would continue to trust that and live on mission for your Kingdom! To you be all the glory. In Jesus’ name! Amen!