The Cost of Being a Disciple

Disciple. We hear that word a lot in church and it’s used over and over in the New Testament of the Bible. But what does it mean? Who is a disciple called to be? What are they supposed to do? Simply put, a disciple is a follower and a learner. Someone who studies under a leader. In the context that we hear and use it in, it is specifically a follower of Jesus Christ. This is what his followers are referred to. So, now that we know the definition, let’s look at what the Bible tells us it really means to be a true follower, or disciple, of Jesus.

In Luke 14: 26-27, Jesus clearly states the cost of being a disciple and, let me tell you, it’s not always easy. He says, “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple. Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple.” Now, Jesus is not truly asking us to hate our families here. But what he is saying is that when it comes down to it, if someone in our lives, even our own family member, is trying to teach us something different than God’s Word is, we are to choose Jesus without hesitation. A true disciple will set Jesus first and above all other relationships. If you want to follow Jesus and be a true disciple of his, you must love him supremely over everyone and everything else.

In Matthew 10:37, Jesus says, “Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.” He puts it pretty bluntly here. “Is not worthy.” Yes, that is really bold, but it’s true! If we are not choosing to follow Jesus above all else, he firmly tells us that we are not worthy of being his disciple. John 8:31-32, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” To be true disciples, we must abide in his Word. We must spend time really studying and learning from scripture. We must dwell in the Word of God! In order to know how to choose him and fully submit our lives to him, we must first get to know him. And the only way to do that is by spending time with him and in his Word. The words of the Bible are God-breathed and everything in it is truth. I challenge all of us, myself included, to fully submit to the Word of God every day. It is sufficient for everything going on in your life and all that the Lord has planned for you. When we abide in his Word, we can experience the fullness of joy that is in God and he will be glorified through us!

Over the years, I have had plenty of people in my life try to tell me that what I believe in and what I stand for is “stupid” and I’m just “wasting my time.” Oftentimes the people and things in this world have tried to pull me in the opposite direction of Christ. Whether it’s trying to fit in with the crowd and doing what everyone says is “cool”, feeling the pressures of temptation in a relationship, or whatever it may be, there’s always going to be something in your life that is trying to tell you there’s a better way. Choosing to follow Jesus is not always easy, especially in a world that is driven by so many earthly things. Driven by self, relationships, jobs, materialistic goods, etc. When the people and things around you try everything to pull you away, because we know they will, who are you going to choose to follow and believe?

Mark 8:34 says, “And calling the crowd to him with his disciples, he said to them, ‘If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.’” Unfollow yourself and follow Christ. Denying yourself and following Jesus does not require us to let go of something greater in order to follow something lesser. No! God is ALWAYS greater and he will lead you to greater things in a greater way than you ever could imagine on your own. The path of following Jesus is going to cost you more than you know, but it is worth more than everything else in this world. There is nothing more fulfilling and exciting than remembering how much Jesus loves you! Surrender to him. Put nothing before him. Deny yourself and completely submit your will and desires to him so that his plan for you may be fully executed!


1. Follow Jesus. Simply put. We know that the definition of a disciple is a follower and a learner, so allow yourself to follow him FULLY. We can’t pick and choose the moments that are “easier” or “more convenient” for us. We must choose to follow him in all moments, good and bad!
2. Read the Bible. It’s one of the things Jesus says marks a true disciple. Someone who abides in the Word of God and holds to his teaching. Take the time each day to read, study and learn from scripture.
3. Submit. We must learn to fully submit our lives to God and deny ourselves. The truth is, we are broken and corrupt people because of sin. So, when we choose God over ourselves and over others, we are able to fully step into what the Lord has planned for us in our lives!


Lord, thank you for today! Thank you for each and every person reading this blog right now. I pray for an abundance of joy, blessing and peace over them. I pray that we would completely and fully surrender our lives to you today and every day. That we would know the cost of being a disciple, and we would choose it anyway. We would choose to follow you and walk in obedience to you, no matter how difficult. I pray that we would deny ourselves, take up our own cross and follow you all the days of our lives. You are worthy of our praise. You are worth more than anything this world can offer us. May we walk boldly in our faith and share the love of Christ with everyone we encounter. To you be all the glory! In Jesus’ name! Amen!


Fully Known. Fully Loved.


Learning to Lead