Spirit of Gratitude
HAPPY THANKSGIVING! In our world today that is filled with stress, negativity, and busyness, it’s easy to lose sight of the blessings that surround us. Thanksgiving may be a day full of blessings and great family time for you; or it may be a time that brings up difficult memories and emotions. Wherever you find yourself today and whatever emotion you’re feeling, I want to point us all back to the source of where our gratitude should come from and remind us that there is always something to be grateful, no matter what you’re going through. That thing is Jesus Christ and the life that we have through him.
When we practice gratitude in Christ, it has the power to transform our mindset and bring us closer to Him. In Scripture, gratitude isn’t just a fleeting feeling but rather a way of life that is deeply rooted in faith. Let’s talk about the significance of biblical gratitude and the impact it can have on our lives.
Gratitude is not something we do just to make ourselves feel better when we’re sad; it’s something that we should implement into our everyday lives because it has the power to bring us closer to God. In the Bible, we are repeatedly reminded to give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God for us. Gratitude shifts our focus from what is lacking in our lives to the abundance that surrounds us. It opens our hearts to the countless blessings we have received, both big and small. When we cultivate a spirit of gratitude, we begin to see God’s hand at work in every aspect of our lives.
Practicing gratitude becomes even more vital in times of adversity and challenges. It’s unfortunately very easy to become overwhelmed by our problems and lose sight of God's goodness. However, the Bible teaches us to give thanks in ALL circumstances, not just when things are going well (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). When we choose to be grateful even in difficult times, we shift our perspective and invite God's presence into our struggles. We go from seeing everything as an attack on our personal lives, to being able to see the bigger picture a little bit better. For me, when I spend time with God and reflect on the blessings He has given me, it reminds me that this life is so much bigger than me. I’m not living to have a perfect life on earth. I’m living to know God and make Him known. I’m living to one day be in Eternity. Gratitude reminds us that God is faithful and that He is working all things together for our good. It helps us to trust in His plans, even when we cannot see the way forward.
When we start living out a life of gratitude, it not only transforms our own hearts but also impacts those around us. A spirit of gratitude is contagious! When we express our thankfulness to others, it has a ripple effect and encourages others to also live in such a way. As Christians, we are called to be light in the world (Matthew 5:14-16), and practicing biblical gratitude is one of the most powerful ways to do that. It allows us to reflect God's light, love, and goodness to others, leading them, and us, closer to Him. So, let us embrace the gift of gratitude and allow it to shape our hearts and our relationship with God.
1. Spend time in the Word. This is where it all begins! When we are filled up with wisdom and knowledge from Scripture, we will naturally see more of God’s hand in our lives which leads to a heart full of joy and gratitude.
2. Practice gratitude. Throughout your day, reflect on ways that God has provided for you. Think about how far he has brought you in different situations in your life.
3. Encourage others. Don’t just keep God’s goodness and your gratitude to yourself! Humbly share these things with the people around you and encourage them to start doing the same.
Lord, thank you for who you are and for all that we have because of you. Wherever we find ourselves today, would you remind us of your goodness and all that you’ve done in each of our lives. May our hearts be full of gratitude and a heavenly perspective. I pray that we would reflect you in all that we do and that we would faithfully live out our calling of being light and salt in this world. We love you and praise you. In Jesus’ name! Amen!