Make Room
We make room in our lives for the things that are important to us. Our friends, our family, our hobbies. We make time to go to the gym because we want to be fit. We make time to scroll through social media because we want to be “in the know” about what everyone around us is doing. We make room and carve out time for things and people that matter in our lives. But I want us to ask ourselves, “Am I making room in my heart for Lord to be one of those things? To be THE most important of those things?”
One of my favorite songs right now is called “Make Room” by Community Music. The lyrics say,
“Here is where I lay it down
Every burden, every crown.
This is my surrender,
This is my surrender.
Here is where I lay it down
Every lie and every doubt.
This is my surrender.
And I will make room for You
To do whatever You want to”
What is God trying to tell you or show you right now? Are you open and willing to be obedient in following him where he’s leading you? Or is your life too crowded with other things, leaving no room for him and his plans? In order to live a life fully surrendered to Christ and walk fully in his ways, we must make room for him. Are you confused and unsure of the next season of your life? Make room for God. Are you anxious and feeling constantly overwhelmed by the pressures of life? Make room for God. Are you lonely and feel like no one truly sees you? Make room for God. Are you feeling like it’s just all too much and maybe you don’t want to do any of it anymore? MAKE ROOM FOR GOD. Lay it down. The worries, the fears, the doubts, the insecurities. All of it. Because when you lay those things down, you start to make room for Jesus to fill you up. And when Jesus starts to fill you up, you start to experience freedom, joy, purpose and peace.
Don’t think you need to make room for Jesus? Try it. I’ve been there. Trying to hold my life together with my own strength. Telling myself and God, “I got this. I know what I’m doing, and I like having control over my life, so I’ll just do it on my own. It’ll be fine.” But “fine” is not good enough. You alone are not strong enough to handle everything thrown at you. Your timing on your own will always be wrong. Your own ways and plans will always be less than God’s. Surrender it to him. Make room for him by inviting him in and handing over the ropes. I promise you, it’s better that way every single time.
I remember when I was in college, trying to figure out who I wanted to be and what I wanted to do with my life. I remember it all just feeling like so much pressure. “What if I choose the wrong major?” “What if I surround myself with the wrong people?” “What if I’m not living out my purpose here?” It felt overwhelming to say the least. I remember the moment when I truly realized and accepted the fact that I couldn’t do it on my own. Thinking that if I was in control of my life, I would definitely crumble. So, there in my dorm room of Auburn University, I invited the Lord in to help me and to guide me. In that moment, I knew that even when I would feel stressed, unsure, or lost, I could look upward to the One who created me and feel at peace. Because I trusted his ways over mine and knew that his plan was greater. I made room for God to come into my life and guide every decision that I would make. I know longer felt alone or scared of making the wrong move, because I wasn’t allowing insecurity and doubt lead me. I was letting my all-knowing Heavenly Father lead me.
Now, I want to make it clear that I’m not claiming to be perfect. To be completely honest, I love being in control! Sometimes it’s hard for me to let go and hand the reigns over to God. There are for sure areas of my life that I still struggle to “make room” for him. But what’s important is that every day, we are looking upward and not inward. That we are inviting God into our lives and following HIM, not ourselves. That’s when we will feel true and complete peace.
Let go of what’s holding you back. This may look different for you than it does for me, but I want to challenge you to wake up every morning and lay down whatever it is that’s hindering you. Give it to the Lord. Maybe that looks like writing it down on a sticky note or saying it out loud. Whatever it is, release it out of your control!
Make time. In order to make room for him, you must make time for him. Carve out part of your morning to spend with the Lord. Like I said at the beginning, we make time for things that matter to us. If your relationship with God is important to you, you MUST spend time with him.
Invite other people into your journey. Let your closest people know that you are actively trying to make room for God and let them help keep you accountable. Encourage them to ask you how it’s going and how they can be praying for you. Community is meant to cheer you on and call you higher, so let them!
Lord, thank you for who you are! Thank you that we get to come to you and lay down the things we are struggling with at your feet. That we no longer have to carry our burdens because you carry them for us. Thank you that we have the freedom to make room for you! That because of the work of Jesus Christ, we can have a personal relationship with you and walk closely with you, following your ways. Help us to look upward and not inward. To let you lead us where you are calling us. Thank you that we can experience freedom, joy and peace when we make room for you. In Jesus’ name! Amen!