Life Laid Down

What is love? We throw around the words “I love you” to just about anyone these days. You say it to your mom, your best friend, and the girl you met just the other day. Listen, I’m not casting judgement on anyone because I am guilty of this, too. But I’ve been contemplating “love” lately and what it really means. If we’re willing to say those same words to the person who raised us and knows us best, but also to the girl we’ve only hung out with a few times, then what is our definition of love? Lucky for us, we can turn to Scripture to find out what love really is and the ultimate example for us to look to.

1 John 3:14, “We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love each other. Anyone who does not love remains in death.” What is true love and how do we practice it? What does it mean to pass from death to life? In verse 13, John reminds believers to not be surprised if the world hates us because living for Christ is the exact opposite of those living for the world. Passing from death to life means two things: 

1. We are fully aware that we were once dead. And when we participate in hatred towards others, we’re staying in that “dead” place. 

2. We know and believe in the hope and work of Jesus Christ which leads us to life. Because of his work on the cross, we get to pass from death to life. This comes from following Him, living in the light, and pursuing a fruitful life.

So, what is real love? 1 John 3:16 tells us exactly what it is and how we can live it out. “This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.” This kind of love is pure, selfless, and unending. It’s not the kind of love that we show only when we want something or when we “feel like it.” Love is not an emotion, it’s a choice. Loving someone in this way is truly putting their life and needs before yours, which is why this verse says, “we ought to lay down our lives.” Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection is the ultimate demonstration of love. He knew what His work would do for us. He put our lives (even before we were born) ahead of His life. Even after pleading with God, He still chose to be obedient to Him. (Matthew 26:39, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.”)

In the same way, that is how we should love our brothers and sisters in Christ. We can say “I love you” to people as much as we want, but if we’re not actively showing them, it means nothing. Words are empty until they can be backed up. 1 John 3:18 says, “Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.” Real love is demonstrated.

I once heard this put in an example that made it more clear for me to understand. If I am standing on a pier and a man jumps in the water, drowns, and cries out with his last breath, “I’m giving my life for you!” That would be hard to understand as an act of love. However, if I jump in and the man jumps after me, saves me from drowning, and gives his own life to save mine, then I could fully comprehend that as an act of love. It’s a humble, selfless, true act of love in the biblical sense. We can love in the truest sense of the word because God first loved us (1 John 4:19.)

It’s so important to love people well. I’m not saying we should back off from loving those around us and telling them we love them. Let’s just make sure we’re backing up our words with true, pure, legitimate love. Everyone knows the saying “actions speak louder than words” and I really believe that. Don’t just tell people, show them.



  1. Practice loving humbly. Find ways throughout your day to tangibly “lay your life down” and serve someone around you, putting their needs above your own.

  2. Read Scripture. In order to fully know how to love someone well, we must first recognize and receive the love given to us by Jesus Christ. We love because He first loved us (1 John 4:19.)

  3. Share the Gospel. The Gospel is a story of love. By loving people like Christ, you’re pointing people to Him. In those moments, don’t be afraid to share the good news and where your love comes from!



Lord, thank you for extending your love to us every single day. Thank you for sending your Son, Jesus, to complete the ultimate act of love. I pray that every person reading this grows deeper in their love for you and their love for others today. Would you present us with opportunities to lay our lives down and may we walk faithfully and obediently in that. We give you all the glory, honor, and praise! In Jesus’ name! Amen!




Fruit of the Spirit