Father, Glorify Your Name!
Father, Glorify your name!
In my experience, one of the most empowering and inspiring feelings is when I have a revelation through reading scripture. This happened to me just the other day while reading in John 12. There is a passage titled “Jesus Predicts His Death” - I’m sure you can pretty much guess what it’s about (hint: Jesus predicting His death ;) ) To dive into it a little bit, John 12:23-24 says, “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But, if it dies, it produces many seeds.” So, you may be wondering why in the world the bible is talking about kernels of wheat. Think about it this way… before there can be a production of an entire plant, a single seed must die and be buried. In the same way, before there could be resurrection power and glorification to Christ, there had to be death. So often we get too wrapped up in the moment and in our emotions that we don’t think about what the outcome of our current situation could be. If we are willing to be obedient to the Lord and lay our lives down at His feet, there will be so many blessings on the other side. The process may be hard, it may hurt, it may feel impossible, but there is no greater reward than when we trust and remain obedient to the Father.
I also like to think about it this way - Similar to the dying seed, sometimes our ideas and expectations in life have to “die” so that greater plans can evolve. Maybe you’ve experienced heartbreak. You thought this person was the one for you, the one you were going to marry. But then, something happens and you guys break up. It kind of feels like the death of a dream, right? Well, in order for you to find the actual person you are going to spend the rest of your life with, you HAD to experience that break up. In the moment, it is so hard to see the bigger picture and realize that this is just a stepping stone to where you will end up. One day, though, you will be very grateful for every little moment you went through that leads you to God’s best.
A few verses later in John 12, Jesus says, “Now my soul is troubled, and what shall I say? ‘Father save me from this hour’? No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour. Father, glorify your name!” (John 12:27-28). Wow. It gives me chills every single time. These words truly hold so much power. Jesus understood what was coming, he knew the pain he was going to face, and yet he still chose obedience. He states clearly His weary and troubled feelings, but he doesn’t just give up and walk away, choosing an easier path. He walks right into the fire with God by His side, letting the physical pain and agony he would endure glorify the Lord’s name! Jesus knew His calling, who he lived for and why he was brought to this earth. No matter the cost, he was going to live that out and make known the name of the Father. He was aware that this was for something so much bigger than himself. This act was for all of humanity, that we may know the Lord and have the opportunity for an intimate relationship with him. This is the definition of obedience.
My question to you is this: How do you respond to your calling, or even just a difficult situation you’re in the midst of? Do you run away and ask God to save you from the situation? Or do you trust Him, walk in obedience and pray for His name to be glorified? We are not promised that life is going to be easy, but we can rest in the fact that the Lord never leaves nor forsakes us. It says so in His word. “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9) There is oftentimes pain in finding your purpose, but on the other side is abundance! As I mentioned earlier, without the death of Jesus, there is no resurrection power. He lay His life down for the rest of us to gain life. What would it look like for us to lay our lives down, live selflessly, and allow the Lord’s name to be glorified through our purpose?
Ask the Lord to reveal your calling to you. I challenge you to really take the time to pray about where the Lord is calling you and walk in obedience, no matter how difficult! Step out of your comfort zone. Big steps can’t be taken and goals won’t be reached if we continue to sit in complacency. Challenge yourself! I dare you!
Look at the bigger picture. What do you think would have happened if, in the story mentioned above, Jesus would have acted selfishly and only looked introspectively? I know one thing is for sure..we would not be where we are today! I challenge you to look at the bigger picture and think about who else your decisions can affect.
Glorify His name! This is the most important challenge I have for you! As believers, everything we do represents Christ. Yes, pray for obedience, but also pray that the Lord’s name be glorified and that His light shines through you! Not every step we take is going to be easy, but it will be worth it as long as we are living for something bigger than ourselves! Pray that the Lord will use you as a vessel for his name and you can make an impact on the Kingdom!
Lord, thank you that you have individually given us our own strengths and callings on our lives. I pray that each person reading this confidently steps in to who you have created them to be. No matter how difficult situations (or life as a whole) may seem, remind us that we are your creation! Created on purpose and for a purpose! Help us to be obedient to you, choosing to glorify your name, even if it means walking in the fire. For we know that where we go, you go with us. Help us to be a light to you, using us as vessels for your Kingdom and making your name known all around us! I pray that we look at the bigger picture in life, knowing that we live for something greater than ourselves and that we would choose you every single day. In Jesus’ name we pray! Amen!